Gypsy Pistoleros Album Launch And Update From The Band

“Forever Wild, Beautiful and Damned” is now released through­out the UK and Europe (US release in May, stay tuned Amer­icanos!); the album’s avail­able from all good record stores (UK & Europe dis­tri­bu­tion by Plastic Head).

Fol­low­ing dis­cus­sions, the band has par­ted com­pany with their former singer and front­man. They have also issued the fol­low­ing state­ment to cla­rify the situ­ation for all fans and press fol­low­ing the post­pone­ment of their anti­cip­ated Lon­don album launch party earlier this month:

“We’d like to apo­lo­gise to all fans and press who were due to attend our Lon­don launch gig earlier this month. Regret­tably the tim­ing of our lead singer’s depar­ture made it impossible for the launch party to go ahead. HOWEVER! Gypsy Pis­tol­eros con­tin­ues to go from strength to strength; fans can look for­ward to see­ing a lot more of the band in the months to come and we’ve already been book­ing through the sum­mer right up to the end of the year. Not only that, we’re sim­ul­tan­eously work­ing on new mater­ial for the next album — 2012 is our year and we’re tak­ing it by the throat!”

The Gypsy Pis­tol­eros’ rather smash­ing debut album FOREVER WILD, BEAUTIFUL AND DAMNED was released on April 9th on HMR to crit­ical acclaim and rave reviews from the rock press – the band is cur­rently in intens­ive rehears­als and hold­ing audi­tions to find the ideal replace­ment in time for their sixth con­sec­ut­ive appear­ance at ROCKLAHOMA 2012, “America’s Biggest Memorial Week­end Party” on Sat­urday the 26th of May 2012.

The only band to play at every Rock­lahoma since the festival’s begin­ning, the Pis­tol­eros have once again been con­firmed by pro­moters AEG to appear at the massive open air fest­ival along­side acts like Mega­deth, Chick­en­foot, Queens­rÿche, Slash and Creed. The group are due to hit the stage after Rob Zom­bie to close the night with a “Bang Bang”…

Watch this space for forth­com­ing updates!

Gypsy Pis­tol­eros FOREVER WILD, BEAUTIFUL AND DAMNED! GREATEST HITS VOLUME 1 is out now on Heavy Metal Records and avail­able to pur­chase on iTunes, HMR Digital (320 kbps MP3, suit­able for all port­able devices) and Amazon. The album is released in the US and Canada on 08 May 2012, dis­trib­uted by MVD Enter­tain­ment.

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